Breathe a little, Live a little, Yearn a little, Burn a little

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My Kite

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A sharp tug, then a snap and away it flew,
My beautiful kite, high above the trees, before I knew.
Maybe I had pulled too hard, or too soft or used the wrong string,
Maybe I should have brought it down or up or done something.
Velvety purple paper, vivid with pride and life,
A golden yellow dragon, rampant, standing astride.
A fiery tail whipping in open intent,
Strong in my hands, even stronger in ascent.

I knew it was special when I first saw it,
It was precious, and I felt the thrill of ownership.
With care, so carefully, so very very carefully,
Took it to the most beautiful beach near the most beautiful sea.
And in no time it soared, and with it, it took me
And for a while, I flew too, happy and carefree.
I could still see it, the dragon whipping its tail
As if nothing could stop it, as if it couldn’t fail.

As my gaze dropped back to the earth, I saw you,
Laughing right at the waves, and there your daughter too.
How much she has grown and yet still I can see
She still giggles, squinty eyes, head thrown back, heartily.
You looked well, somehow taller, loved and loving, like before
And I turned back, to my home, to my cave, once more.