Breathe a little, Live a little, Yearn a little, Burn a little


  • How long ago was it?

    How long ago was it?


    The daughter of a friend turned eighteen recently. Well, quite a few kids had their birthdays, and graduations and announced…

  • A Jug of Wine and Thou

    A Jug of Wine and Thou


    I’m a city girl, having grown up in Delhi, an Armed Forces brat, and I appreciated nature in manicured lawns…

  • Musings: Costco

    Musings: Costco


    Once in a very great while, I find myself compelled to go to Costco. Most of even those times, with diligent concentration and a can do attitude, I persevere and find a way to avoid the experience.

  • Costco



    Once in a very great while, I find myself compelled to go to Costco. Most of even those times, with…

  • 2015: the year my Christmas tree shrank.

    2015: the year my Christmas tree shrank.


    The day after Thanksgiving, I dragged in the red Christmas decoration boxes and detached the girls from their phones, amid…

  • Poem: Do I exist

    Poem: Do I exist

    In the skin I feel over the sinews that moveIn the lights that flicker just past my eyesIn the relationships…

  • My Solemn Harlequin

    My Solemn Harlequin


    Thirteen years ago, this day, I was lying on a hospital bed, my head lower than my torso, in a…

  • Passion 8

    Passion 8


    It was in the way she seemed to be unaware that the fourth button had popped open on her dull…

  • Passion 7

    Passion 7


    The priest, potbellied and bald, was at least not one of those who preached by day and sinned by night….

  • Passion 6

    Passion 6


    She was magnificent in anger, her eyes lit up with passionate fervor, her face bright with emotion. She would pace…