Breathe a little, Live a little, Yearn a little, Burn a little

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Perfect Fictions

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Lie to me, my love, once again,
So that once more I may pretend
To be young, in love, and oh so silly
Hope and dream and really believe.
Hold out your hand again and vow
Earnestly, passionately do not allow
Any doubts, any remnants of sanity.
Once more, my love, lie to me.
Let us, once again, hold hands,
And in sweet spring, talk of romance.
Whisper secrets that will never ever be,
Any thing close to actual reality.
Ah, my love! Can you picture the perfection?
The trusting and the one who spins the fiction.
Together for that exquisite moment of unbearable pain,
To know that you thought it was ok to lie again.
This too will pass my love. All will be fine
You will seek another believer, another trusting mind.
As I lay bleeding here, pierced by a million untruths,
I will still know that I willingly gave my heart to you.

alkawrites #alkaverse